Порно лоликон 3 d

Patrick W. Galbraith is a Ph.

Sex doll is 3D child pornography, prosecutors tell man's trial

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Fifty-four-year-old Kenneth Harrisson faces charges of possessing child pornography, mailing obscene matter, and two charges under the federal Customs Act of smuggling and possession of prohibited goods. Harrisson had testified Monday that he did not intend to have sex with the doll and that he had ordered it for companionship to replace his son, who died as an infant. He ordered the doll from Japan in , but it was intercepted on its way to his St. Harrisson said he did a Google search of the term "sex doll" and said he chose the photo that showed the most "male-like" face to resemble his son who would have been around 25 in Crown prosecutor Dana Sullivan argued Harrisson ordered a deluxe set with makeup and other accessories, suggesting intent to have sex with it.

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